WooCommerce Product Vendors, Version 2.4.0 Coupon Code

Looking for a WooCommerce Product Vendors Coupon Code for WooCommerce Product Vendors, Version 2.4.0?

Click to get this plugin for only $15 (massive discount): WooCommerce Product Vendors, Version 2.4.0

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Some things have changed in WooCommerce Product Vendors Version 2.4.0. You may want to upgrade to this new version if these impact your installations.

  * Add - Provide new transient cache invalidation logic.
* Add - Support for WooCommerce's new email preview feature added in 9.6.
* Update - Use direct SQL query to get product IDs instead of WP_Query for better performance at scale.
* Update - Use direct SQL query to get product ratings for better performance at scale.
* Update - Store vendor data by ID, user specific vendor role, vendor rating, vendor product IDs, vendor earned commission by `order_id`, all commissions associated with an `order_id`, commission data, unpaid commission data and pending products count in new transients to help with performance.
* Fix - Removed unused call to `count_users()`.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 9.7.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.5.
* Dev - Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.6.
* Dev - Add a performance benchmark GitHub Action.

What does it include? WooCommerce Product Vendors, Version 2.4.0 includes…

  • 12 months of free updates
  • Use on unlimited sites (no ‘license by seat’ limits)

What doesn’t it include?

It does NOT include support or automatic updates. However, includes access to 12 months of updates, which can be applied manually.

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