Looking for a WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Coupon Code for WooCommerce Mix and Match Products, Version 2.7.9?
Click to get this plugin for only $25 (massive discount): WooCommerce Mix and Match Products, Version 2.7.9
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Some things have changed in WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Version 2.7.9. You may want to upgrade to this new version if these impact your installations.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.9.0.
* New: Force Sells for WooCommerce compatibility.
* Fix: Incorrect class instantiation in admin when product is not mix-and-match type.
* Fix: Escape any remaining translatable strings.
* Change: Move `woocommerce_after_cart_item_quantity_update` callback to earlier priority for Force Sells compatibility.
* Change: `wc-add-to-cart-mnm` script params use booleans instead of yes|no strings. Advanced script integrations should re-test.
* Tweak: Update sass files to use Dart Sass.
What does it include? WooCommerce Mix and Match Products, Version 2.7.9 includes…
- 12 months of free updates
- Use on unlimited sites (no ‘license by seat’ limits)
What doesn’t it include?
It does NOT include support or automatic updates. However, includes access to 12 months of updates, which can be applied manually.