WooCommerce Subscriptions, Version 6.2.0 Coupon Code

Looking for a WooCommerce Subscriptions Coupon Code for WooCommerce Subscriptions, Version 6.2.0?

Click to get this plugin for only $35 (massive discount): WooCommerce Subscriptions, Version 6.2.0

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Some things have changed in WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 6.2.0. You may want to upgrade to this new version if these impact your installations.

  * Add: Declare WooCommerce as a plugin dependency in the plugin header.
* Fix: Ensure next payment dates are only extended when early renewal orders paid via the modal are fully paid. Prevents extending dates on authorized but not captured payments.
* Fix: Updated the switching calculator to handle situations where an upgrade has a new price per day less than the old price per day. Previously this would result in a negative upgrade cost.
* Fix: Update the failing payment method on a subscription when customers successfully pay for a failed renewal order via the block checkout.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that would cause subscriptions to be directly cancelled by the WooCommerce process of automatically cancelling unpaid orders in-line with the hold stock setting.
* Fix: Prevent duplicate status transition notes on subscriptions and potential infinite loops when processing subscription status transitions.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that could lead to "Undefined array key 'order-received'" errors.
* Fix: Resolved errors that could occur when paying for renewal orders via the checkout when the store has custom checkout fields.
* Fix: Resolved database errors that would occur when ordering the subscriptions list table by the 'Last order date' on sites with HPOS enabled.
* Dev: Introduced a new filter ('wcs_setup_cart_for_subscription_initial_payment') to enable third-party plugins to use the pay-for-order flow to complete a subscription's initial payment.
* Dev: Updated subscriptions-core to 7.0.0.

What does it include? WooCommerce Subscriptions, Version 6.2.0 includes…

  • 12 months of free updates
  • Use on unlimited sites (no ‘license by seat’ limits)

What doesn’t it include?

It does NOT include support or automatic updates. However, includes access to 12 months of updates, which can be applied manually.

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